• 24 января 2013, четверг
  • Санкт-Петербург, 10 Красноармейская улица, 22.

Встреча JUG c Sami Ekblad — Vaadin

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4108 дней назад
24 января 2013 c 19:00 до 22:00
10 Красноармейская улица, 22.

В четверг, 24 января, в петербургском офисе компании Oracle пройдёт встреча JUG.ru c Sami Ekblad, менеджером и ведущим разработчиком веб-фреймворка Vaadin. В первой части Sami расскажет о том, что такое Vaadin и в чём его главные фишки. Во второй части мы (руками Sami) создадим с помощью Vaadin кастомную веб-компоненту своей мечты. Язык встречи — английский.

1) Introduction to Vaadin 7


The presentation will include a brief introduction into Vaadin Framework 7, the first new major version of the popular rich web framework in over three years of iterative evolution. The intro will explain the main design decisions will give practical examples for starting with Vaadin.


Vaadin is a web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA). In contrast to Javascript libraries and browser-plugin based solutions, it features a robust server-side architecture. This means that the largest part of the application logic runs securely on the server. The fine-grained component architecture together with statically typed Java language and data binding features help you build applications that are easily modularized and refactored as needed.



2) Creating reusable web components — i.e. adding your favorite feature into Vaadin.


We talk best practices for designing reusable web components. During the presentation we review all the steps for building a new user interface component starting from an early idea up to packaging and distributing the component. The component is prototyped in HTML and JavaScript, implemented Google Web Toolkit and Vaadin.



Sami Ekblad


Sami Ekblad  — Partner Manager, General Vaadin SpecialistWorking with the web and user interfaces since the 20th century. Still concerned about end-user experience, simple APIs and web security.








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