• 6 июля 2016, среда
  • Санкт-Петербург, 10-я Красноармейская улица, 22А, БЦ «Келлерман», 2 этаж, офис компании Oracle.

Alvaro Hernandez — Java & PostgreSQL

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3183 дня назад
6 июля 2016 c 20:00 до 22:30
10-я Красноармейская улица, 22А, БЦ «Келлерман», 2 этаж, офис компании Oracle.

В среду, 6 июля, в 20:00 в питерском офисе компании Oracle состоится встреча JUG.ru с Альваро Эрнандесом, экспертом по PostgreSQL. Тема встречи — особенности взаимодействия Java с PostgreSQL. Язык встречи — АНГЛИЙСКИЙ.

Java is "the" Enterprise language, and probably the most used language to interact with a Postgres database. However, is Java with Postgres up to the task? This talk is a technical report on the state of the art of PostgreSQL and Java that will answer two basic questions:

  • Is Java able to exploit 100% of the performance that PostgreSQL delivers? If not, where is the overhead? What can be done about it? Are there any technical or architectural patterns in PostgreSQL that may limit Java's performance?
  • Can we access from Java all the available functionality exposed by PostgreSQL? If not, what is missing and how it can be fixed?

This talk will explore current limitations/issues in using PostgreSQL from Java, but will also try to provide solutions and/or paths to fix and improve the current situation. Special focus will be provided on achieving high performance and current best practices.


Участие бесплатное. Количество мест ограничено.


Язык встречи — АНГЛИЙСКИЙ.



Álvaro Hernandez is a 37 year-old IT entrepreneur, based in Madrid, Spain. Founder and CTO at 8Kdata, a database R&D company, he spends most of his time working on the ToroDB project, the first NoSQL-on-SQL database, a MongoDB-compatible database that runs on top of PostgreSQL. He is a passionate software developer and open source advocate.

Álvaro is a Java software developer, member of JavaSpecialists.eu, but also a DBA, trainer and frequent lecturer at international conferences. He also founded the PostgreSQL Spanish User Group, one of the largest PUGs in the world, with more than 550 members.



Место проведения

Петербургский офис компании Oracle:
10-я Красноармейская улица, 22А, БЦ «Келлерман», 2 этаж



  • от ст.м. «Балтийская» — 10 минут пешком: сначала по Лермонтовскому проспекту, потом 100 метров налево по 10-ой Красноармейской.

