• 30 июня 2016, четверг
  • Санкт-Петербург, Свердловская наб., дом 44, литера Я, Б/Ц «Осень»

Douglas Hawkins — Understanding the Tricks Behind the JIT

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3168 дней назад
30 июня 2016 c 20:00 до 22:30
Свердловская наб., дом 44, литера Я, Б/Ц «Осень»

В четверг, 30 июня, в 20:00 в питерском офисе компании Luxoft состоится встреча JUG.ru с Дагом Хокинсом, JVM-инженером в Azul Systems. Тема встречи — особенности работы JIT-компиляторов в HotSpot JVM. Язык встречи — АНГЛИЙСКИЙ.

To many developers, compilers are mysterious — and the just-in-time compilers in a modern runtime simply seem to be black magic. However, there are really only a few simple concepts that guide any compiler and once you understand them you can make the compiler work for you.

In this talk, we'll go through a seemingly simple piece of Java code in detail examining the many techniques that OpenJDK uses to make that piece of code run fast including static optimizations, speculative profiled based optimizations, and how those optimizations tie into the real black magic of the JVM deoptimization


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Язык встречи — АНГЛИЙСКИЙ.



Douglas Q Hawkins — VM Engineer at Azul Systems.

Doug has been passionately developing software for over 10 years — creating applications in variety of languages and for a variety of industries including bioinformatics, finance, and online retail.

Three years ago, Doug made the transition from Java developer to JVM developer and is now working on the ReadyNow! feature of Azul’s Zing Virtual Machine.



Место проведения

Петербургский офис компании Luxoft:
Бизнес-центр «Осень», Свердловская наб., дом 44, литера Я



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