• 9 июля 2019, вторник
  • Санкт-Петербург, Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya, Площадь Победы, 1 (вход с улицы Варшавская)

Встреча JUG.ru с Клиффом Кликом — A JVM Does That?

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2074 дня назад
9 июля 2019 c 19:00 до 22:00
Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya, Площадь Победы, 1 (вход с улицы Варшавская)

Во вторник, 9 июля, за два дня до конференции Hydra 2019, состоится встреча JUG.ru с Клиффом Кликом (Cliff Click), техническим директором компании Cratus, основателем и сооснователем успешных стартапов (Rocket Realtime School, Neurensic, H2O.ai), известным спикером и консультантом.

I worked on the HotSpot JVM for nearly 15 years, and I’m still constantly amazed as to what goes on inside them. High quality GCs, compilers, uniform threading & memory models, a cost model for code, dynamic code loading, introspection & reflection, access to the OS & hardware resources, a huge pre-built library. Where did all these services come from? Why are they here… and more importantly: when do they fail? What are the limitations we live with in the JVM? What services would we like to have (but cant & here’s why)?

Доклад будет читаться на английском языке.

Cliff Click is the CTO of Cratus (IoT sensors for process improvement) and Founder or Co-Founder of a number of startups (Rocket Realtime School, Neurensic, H2O.ai), and has had a number of successful exits.  Cliff wrote his first compiler when he was 15 (Pascal to TRS Z-80!), although Cliff’s most famous compiler is the HotSpot Server Compiler (the Sea of Nodes IR). That compiler showed the world that JIT’d high quality code was possible, and was at least partially responsible for bringing Java into the mainstream. Cliff helped Azul Systems build an 864 core pure-Java mainframe that keeps GC pauses on 500Gb heaps to under 10ms, and worked on all aspects of that JVM. Cliff is invited to speak regularly at industry and academic conferences and has published many papers about HotSpot.


